As a student in the East West Karate Program, each member has a I unique opportunity to begin their karate training at a young age and grow in the martial arts and every day life with the help of goal setting, here at East West we have designed the East West Karate Achievement Program. This program will help students set goals and keep track of them. It’s fun for the student and parents can become involved as well. By showing an interest in your child’s progress, you ensure their continued success at East West Karate and in other areas of their lives. Many parents become want to involved with their children’s activities and like to help them improve their skills. East West encourages this and we appreciate any feedback that will aid us in our common goal in helping your child be on a quest to becoming their BEST.
At East West Karate we are committed to providing quality programs to help with your child’s growth and development. Our goal is to assist your child to reach a higher awareness of his or her strengths and abilities. As parents, you are the number one source of praise and most importantly encouragement or our child and we need your assistance to increase their strengths and abilities.
The Student Development Record has been designed specifically or this purpose. The goal of the record is to build better communication between parents and instructors, while providing a way for Mom and Dad to instill a positive self image in their children through increased responsibility or their own behaviour.
Twice a year a Student Development Record will be handed out to your child. At this time, you can review the behaviour goals in the first column on the chart. For each positive behaviour shown by vour child at any time, colour or check one square. As each day goes by, your child will be able to view the direct results of
positive behaviour, which will encourage improved self images and attitudes. The best part about this chart is your child will have a visual cue, no longer just a spoken one. This is the best or a way child to learn .
At the end of the assessment period, complete the characteristic rating section and write your comments in the space provided Finally, sign the record and return it to us. If you have any questions or concerns, please raise them with Sensei at this time. Your child will also receive a BLUE star for the completion of this record with positive comments written on their behaviour and improvements which they have made during this time. Once again, we need your involvement in order to ensure the full success of your child’s program. Your ongoing support is very important to us.

The RED Stars are awarded to students for scholastic achievements. We award stars for honor roll report cards or for students that show from their last report card RED improvement Stars are also awarded for a total of 3 perfect tests. Once a student has earned 10 RED stars they are awarded an Academic Achiever Patch, which will be sewn on their right sleeve of their white or blue karate uniform. Once they have earned 20 RED Stars they are awarded a “Special Winning Attitude Team” Patch which is sewn on their right sleeve.

The BLUE Stars are awarded for “Superior Self Discipline” If a student shows either great self discipline in class, at home or at school they are awarded a BLUE star, once a student has earned 5 BLUE Stars they are awarded an Excellence Club Patch, which will be sewn on their left sleeve of their white o blue karate uniform. Once they have earned 10 BLUE Stars they are awarded a “Special Team of Role Models” Patch which is sewn on their left sleeve. Please inform us of outstanding any performances your child has shown at home or school by sending us an email to:

The GOLD Stars are awarded for outstanding attendance. Each time a student attends a minimum of 7 classes a month for 2 months in a row, they are awarded a GOLD Star: Once they have earned 3 GOLD Stars they are awarded an outstanding Attendance Patch, which will be sewn on their right sleeve of their white or blue karate uniform. Keep in mind that when we are closed for holidays it’s taken into consideration when counting the attendance for gold stars.
Split Club
Awarded once they are able to do the full splits either front or side splits. This patch will be sewn on the left sleeve of their blue or white uniform. They will also receive a coupon for a Free Banana Split Ice Cream or $5 Dairy Queen Gift Card.
Karate Nike Patch
Awarded once they have earned 6 Gold Stars for attendance. This patch will be sewn on the right sleeve of their blue or white uniform but if they have the Splits Club Patch it will then go underneath it on the left sleeve.
Karate with Black Belt Patch
Awarded once they have earned 12 Gold Stars for attendance. This patch will be sewn on the right leg of their blue or white uniform.
Girl Power Patch (girls only)
Awarded once they have earned 15 Gold Stars for attendance. This patch will be sewn on the left leg of their blue or white uniform.
Karate Boy Kicking Patch (boys only)
Awarded once they have earned 15 Gold Stars for attendance. This patch will be sewn on the left leg of their blue or white uniform.
Dragon Patch
Awarded once they have completed the East West Karate Achievement Colouring Book Program which was developed for children 7yrs. and younger, however any age can participate in this program. If they are older than 7yrs. they will only be able to achieve the dragon patch once they complete the entire book. They will not receive a star for each individual booklet as it was developed for children who are in the earlier grades of education and do not receive many tests or school projects. This patch will be sewn on the right leg of their blue or white uniform, above the Karate patch.
Black Belt Club
Awarded to Black Belt Club Members. This patch will be sewn on the right arm of their blue unform